Parent Surveys

How Parents and Guardians Will Access and Parent and Guardian Surveys:

Parents and guardians will need a Parent Portal account to access a link to the Parent and Guardian School Climate Survey delivered via an E-collect form. They will then take and submit the survey in the Qualtrics platform to which the link directs them.

Accessing the 2024 Parent and Guardian School Climate Survey link through Parent Portal in the browser:

  1. Navigate to the Parent Portal login page.
  2. Enter your username and password to log in to your Parent Portal Account.
  3. Select the Forms link from the left-hand Navigation bar.
  4. Go to the ‘General Forms’ tab.
  5. Click on the form titled ‘2024 PARENT AND GUARDIAN SCHOOL CLIMATE SURVEY’ to open the form.
  6. Click on the link within the form.
  7. On the Qualtrics survey page that appears, follow the instructions to complete and submit the survey.
  8. Repeat the steps listed above if you have multiple students associated with your Parent Portal and you wish to submit a separate response for another student listed.

Accessing the Parent and Guardian School Climate Survey link through the PowerSchool Mobile App:

  1. Locate your ‘District Code.’ The district code can be found in the bottom left corner of your Parent Portal.
  2. Navigate to the PowerSchool App on your mobile phone.
  3. Enter your ‘District Code’ and click Submit.
  4. Enter your username and password to log in to the mobile app.
  5. From the Dashboard select ‘More’

Helpful Tip: You can also click ‘Edit’ then drag the ‘Forms’ icon to the navigation bar to organize tabs.

  1. Click on ‘Forms’ to access forms that have been shared to the student account.
  2. Go to the ‘General Forms’ tab.
  3. Click on the form titled ‘2024 PARENT AND GUARDIAN SCHOOL CLIMATE SURVEY’ to open the form.
  4. Click on the link within the form to access, complete, and submit the survey.